Behavioral science refers to the phenomenon that we can experience in our work and in our private lives when we do not complete a task. According to the Zeigarnik effect, we are always preoccupied with one thing until we solve it.
This means that the task is more persistent in our memory until we are done with it and forgetting only begins when we are finally done with it. At first glance, we might be thinking how good this is and from now on we can leave anything behind. However, this is dangerous for the success of our work.
According to the working memory theory, we later remember tasks that we could only do with interruptions much better.
This is bad because it can impair the efficiency of our work if several intermittent and incomplete tasks are overburdened our minds And our brain is constantly clicking on it.
When we do not have time to finish a particular task, if we immediately start another, our previous work can easily suffer due to the fact that our brain is constantly clicking on the previous task and our consciousness does not give full space to the new task.
We can call this phenomenon another name, which is that unresolved problems actually accompany us home and wander in our heads. But this can affect not only our professional life, but also our family life, leisure and rest time.
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How do we deal with this problem?
First of all, try to complete and complete all the tasks. Of course, life is not like that, we can’t always get to the end of every task, so if we interrupt something, let’s reassure ourselves that there is no problem.
Let’s make a schedule for when we will finish our task, that way we can focus fully on the new task without completely finishing the previous one.
Put a list of tasks in your head, write a note about them, and write them down in your to-do list.
Before we finish the day or our work, review our list, record the tasks completed, it gives us satisfaction. Let’s plan for the next day, so that we can calm our minds and have more opportunities to rest and rejuvenate at night.
Cover image: Illustration by Provimedia