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74-year-old Anikó Ungár is a true fashion queen: the morning show hosts didn’t leave her clothes untouched – Hazai Stár

74-year-old Anikó Ungár is a true fashion queen: the morning show hosts didn’t leave her clothes untouched – Hazai Stár

Hungarian Aniko He is elegant even over seventy, his appearance is incomparable. The 74-year-old star A at breakfast She talked about her favorite outfits and how she always manages to shine.

The presenters could not leave his appearance without praise and comments either, Peter Tihany and Gergo Papp were.

Anikó Ungár style

With a smile, Gergő Papp asked Anikó Ungár if it was true that there was a typical and incomparable style of Anikó Ungár.

Anikó Ungár prefers naturalness, she will never wear a piece just because it is the fashion of the season. He expresses his individuality with specific creations, thanks to which it is impossible not to pay attention to him.

– I didn’t say I was wearing Anikó Ungár’s clothes. I always like to be myself, even on vacation I dress up as I do. I graduated as a fashion designer, of course, but that’s what I’ve spent my whole life doing. In the fifties and sixties there was a shortage in the clothing business, and I learned a lot from my mother. I can thank him for understanding fashion, I never dress to exaggerate, but what works for me.

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She encourages many women to accept themselves as they really are, and to try to reflect that with their clothes.

– I think you should be elegant, not elegant. Every woman needs to know who she is and what she is. I would look so stupid in a pink leather or muslin dress, I don’t wear those.

Look at Cicciolina in a swimsuit!

Cicciolina turned 70 last year, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t show herself.

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Cover photo: Profimedia

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