Although Venus is Earth’s closest neighbor, there are many mysteries surrounding Venus. As a result of years of research, scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have determined the exact length of Venus’ day, the angle of its axis, and the size of its heart.
About their results prof In the scientific journal Nature Astronomy mentioned.
Based on the new radar measurements, it can be concluded that the average day on Venus lasts for 243.0226 Earth days, that is, up to two-thirds of a year on Earth. The rotation speed of Venus is constantly changing – read the scientific and educational news portal from
The changes are probably due to the dense atmosphere of Venus. As it moves around the planet, it interacts with the solid Earth, which speeds up its rotation, then slows it down. This also happens to Earth, but here it only causes millisecond changes overnight. The effect is even more dramatic on Venus, as its atmosphere is about 93 times larger than Earth’s.
It was also found that Venus is tilted 2.6392 degrees completely to one side.
Based on the measurements, the planet’s core is expected to be about 3,500 kilometers long, so it is similar to Earth. It was not yet possible to determine whether the core was a solid or a liquid.
„Venus is our sister planet, but we weren’t aware of these basic traitsSaid Jean-Luc Margot, University of California scientist and head of research.
There is a lot in common between Venus and Earth: They are both rocky planets of equal size, mass and density. However, they were formed in a completely different way.
Basic knowledge, such as the number of hours on the day of Venus, provides important information for understanding the evolution of the two planets.
The rotation and direction of Venus can be used to determine how its mass is distributed. Knowledge of its internal structure provides insight into its evolution, volcanic history and changes in its surface.
However, a lack of knowledge of accurate data on the planet could lead to errors of up to 30 kilometers on future landing attempts.
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