Were there no fingerprints? Can’t they take a DNA sample? Has there been no psychological profiling yet? So how were the crimes solved before the technologies were used today? Viasat History’s documentary series, Killer History, will go back in time on Monday, May 3 at 10:00 p.m. for a closer look at some of the most horrific crimes in history and how they were put together at the time. The series guides viewers through the most shocking crimes of the past in various historical cities, which caused a lot of trouble to investigators at the time, but also upset public opinion. The six-part series is a selection of the crimes of the past 200 years.
Serial killers of the same age as history
Historical records identify Liu Binglet, nephew of the then Chinese emperor, who lived in the second century BC – the oldest documented serial killer who killed at least 100 slaves and outlaws just for fun. Later, in the fifteenth. As one of the richest men in 19th century France, Gilles de Rais kidnapped a number of young boys from nearby villages and dragged them to his castle to be first sexually assaulted and then executed.
His losses kicked in the hundreds. There are also plenty of records of Erzibet Bathory, a Hungarian aristocrat, who graduated with no fewer than 650 girls before it was produced in 1610. But we can also mention the tummy tuck, which became one of the most notorious serial killers in history. With no less than five women in London at the end of the nineteenth century. His identity has never been identified and is considered the first modern serial killer. Arrested a killer in the past
The FBI is only in XX. She developed psychological profiling in the mid-20th century, which produced a guide to detect similar crimes based on past murders and the characteristics, methods, and motives of the perpetrators. Before that, catching killers was often just a matter of luck or the intuition of detectives. Of course, in the past, even before modern forensics, the perpetrators were more superficial – they did not act very carefully in the case of their effects and methods, so although police opportunities were very limited, testimonies, obvious reasons and often brave perpetrators were able to track his mistakes.
But this is not always the case. Some crimes in Killer’s history may have already been forgotten, but their nature and sophistication have in many cases forced contemporary investigators to come out of their shadows to develop and implement new methods that could easily revolutionize law enforcement. The newly filmed documentary Viasat History delves into the details.
(Source: SchisCom)