Netflix, the world’s largest online video streaming provider, will host a three-hour event for fans on September 25.
Fans and actors of the Netflix series will have a real holiday on September 25, when the world’s largest online streaming provider will hold its first “global fan event”, named after the company’s now-famous sign. todom-No.
Tudum: A global fan event for an official introductory short Netflix
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the three hours Netflix TUDUM starts September 25th at 13:00 Hungarian time and on the provider’s YouTube channels (including Netflix Hungary channel), Twitter and Twitch. The event is set to feature more than 70 series, movies and special editions, along with a number of celebrities.
Netflix intends to play an important role in social media through TUDUM, which it supports through co-streaming and live broadcasting. To this end, the content and music of the event is allowed to be used globally as a shared broadcast for a period of 3 months.