A study by Yale University researchers found that widespread mask-wearing also encourages others to wear a mask.

a PLUS ONE A study published in a scientific journal was based on two surveys conducted in the United States and Italy, the two countries where the coronavirus epidemic was severe. The study showed that when more and more people wear masks in both countries, it creates a cycle of self-arousal that reinforces this behavior in others as well. Researchers say the increasing use of masks as a defense against the coronavirus pandemic has created a social norm that encourages people to wear masks in public.

Scott E. Bukember, of the Yale Institute for Social and Political Studies and the Center for American Political Studies, lead author of a monograph explains. The study also showed that in the United States

Public health campaigns that emphasize people wearing masks to protect others are more effective than calls that highlight how masks protect those who wear them.

In the study, Yale researchers worked with Columbia University employees and institutions in Italy and Switzerland. The researchers surveyed in the United States from October 1 to October 22, 2020, and in Italy from October 22 to November 8, 2020. At that time, mask wearing was not mandatory nationwide in the United States, while in Italy. The American and Italian surveys included a sample of 3,100 and 2,659 participants, respectively.

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“We didn’t see any evidence that more people wearing a mask would have encouraged them not to use a mask,” said Gregory A. Huber, a professor of political science at Yale University and co-author of the study. “Instead, we found that people were more likely to follow social rules by wearing a mask or interfering when they met someone whose mask had slipped off their nose.”

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