He gave an extensive interview to the Guardian newspaper Hvang DongjokalThis year’s success series squid game With its creator, who revealed that the writer of the Korean series did not receive any bonus from Netflix, despite having the greatest success in the history of the streaming service provider:
I’m not that rich. But I have enough money. Enough to get food on the table. But it’s not that Netflix will pay me a bonus, they paid it under the original contract
Happy Hvang Dongguk. The paper notes that this may seem somewhat unfair in light of the fact that the . file squid game It can generate nearly $900 million in revenue Netflix.
The series has been praised worldwide for its satirical portrayal of capitalism, and Hvang himself has said the series was inspired by his family’s financial situation, as they lived on loans with his grandmother. Then Hfang entertained himself with the rest of the manga series like battle royale or the liar game, wondering if this survival game actually existed, would he join him to earn money for his family? “I realized that because I’m a filmmaker, I can add my own story to these kinds of stories, so I started the script,” he said in the interview.
The Guardian also asked Hvang whether it was controversial for his anti-capitalist message to be spread by a global advocate like Netflix.
Well, Netflix is a global company, but I don’t think it exacerbates inequality. I don’t think this would be a contradiction. When I was working on the project, my goal was to be at the top of the US Netflix list for at least a day. But in the end, it became more successful, and became the most watched program on Netflix. This is so surprising. This shows that the global audience resonates with the message I wanted to express
Said Hfang, who also said he researched Netflix’s most successful series before Squid, BridgetonBa, but he did not like:
I find it difficult to watch any series in its entirety. There are only two genres I’ve looked at: Breaking Bad and Mind Hunter. People said Bridgeton was really good, so I tried to watch the first part, but gave up in the middle. I’m not really there for TV romances because I haven’t had a relationship in six or seven years. I find it difficult to recognize them.