Elton John A closing sessions It’s a party invite, and when we open it we realize it’s also a CD. Every song at this party needs to be heard in different glasses from Elton’s seventy-nation group. It’s dangerous to party during the Covid pandemic, and Elton has put together a dangerously eclectic album that has almost gone out of business, as only his voice and his song charts can be identified.
a closing sessions The program is eclectic as not assembled in music boutiques by Előd Juhász, who introduced Duran Duran after Zoltán Kocsis with light elegance. Watch the movie To A KillJet. And while Elton is fine after all, the cold heart Mix with Dua Lipa, and After allIt was introduced with Charlie Puth, meanwhile with Coldplay, who also recently released a new album, to search for the best artists on Spotify.
The album, which was released on October 22, 2021, is not surprising, since nine of its sixteen songs have been released either previously or as singles (cold heart With Dua Lipa, it is too After all With Charlie Puth and end line Stevie Wonder) or albums of contributing artists. Therefore, a closing sessions He was invited to an exclusive party and the party was hosted by Sir Elton John, so the guests were then allowed to put up with everything, including the Grammy Awards for the Bohemian Masters at the ceremonies and other awards that sparkle almost like the silver hearth in his shoes, also leaving the guests to completely transform his songs.
Rethink with Dua Lipa cold heartThen, for example, the Australian trio Pnau mixed with corrective-and 1972 rocket manThe end result is a vision that affects all of our senses.
a closing sessionsElton picked it up during the Covid epidemic because he had to pause Farewell to the yellow brick road As a contact, he ran with young A-class pop stars on Zoom, in his studio, and when he was finished, he fired on colored paper cut-outs and other party utensils that provided self-forgetting parties on the floor.
When the album topped the UK charts, Elton wrote in his Instagram post:
This album is about music’s ability to bring people together to make new friends and relationships… It shows the spirit of collaboration and teamwork that can work even in the toughest of circumstances.
a closing sessionsIt’s more than just a lazy game, it’s a masquerade party where guests dress up as Elton John in their own way and bring Elton’s song with them (or Elton reworks some classics like Metallica nothing else mattersdistributed). Friends showed what it would be like to pass famous songs through the auto-tuning program, and what it would be like if H&M made a collection of fast fashion from Elton clothes, and it would cost nothing more than ten euros.
It’s also embarrassing that the vibrantly colored album is a sign of Alzheimer’s disease. I won’t miss you It ends up being recast by Glenn Campbell, but in Elton John’s case, it doesn’t seem right, and we’re not surprised that Metallica nothing else matters His classics, sung by Miley Cyrus, are totally compelling anyway.
Even if we weren’t surprised by this, it must have surprised everyone that it was Ride the electronic ticket He performs cute, family-friendly rock and roll with Eddie Vader, aka from Pearl Jump. the closing sessions Elton John’s eighth UK album is the eighth cold heart It strongly waved for number one on the UK Singles Chart.
Elton, Rocket Man, has shot the planet of eternal youth at his own party, where there’s no need for a spacesuit, just shimmering sunglasses, and hits that hit the sun.
Elton John: Insurance Sessions
International, 65 minutes, number 16