Hannah was born at 25 weeks weighing just 325 grams.
She was expecting in April, but last December her baby was born to a 17-year-old mother in Scotland – mentioned daily Mail.
Born at just 325g, Hannah hasn’t been born as small as this in the UK in twenty years.
Mother, Ellie Patton She was 25 weeks pregnant when the delivery began, and she finally gave birth to her baby girl at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow.
Doctors warned the woman and her 21-year-old partner that the chances of surviving such premature babies are very low, at only 20 percent, as the baby must weigh at least 500 grams. On the other hand, Hannah was born healthy and is currently in an incubator, and has gained 25 grams since birth, but will have to stay in the hospital until she reaches 500.
After a lot of difficulties, parents can rejoice in greater freedom.
This is the best thing that ever happened to us
Said the new father who only met his partner for a year and a half.
“It wasn’t easy, but we got a lot of support, Ellie’s family helped with everything,” said the man, who revealed that his partner’s mother gave birth to Patton’s sister in much the same way.
Abby Beth Miller 28 weeks later last year BoyTrue, he was born with 800 grams.