An online professional scientific workshop on organic farming was held. The possibilities of organic farming were demonstrated at this event.
On May 24, 2022, the professional organization of organic agriculture “Bionline” was organized in the cyberspace of the Georgikon Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE), the Hungarian Innovation and Science Management Foundation, the Agricultural Sciences Department of the National Association of Doctoral Students scientific workshop.
Holding a professional scientific workshop “Bionline” for organic agriculture – Source:
Organic farming is one of the trends of multifunctional sustainable agriculture
The aim of the event was to present the possibilities of organic farming, the participants discussed applied techniques, presented the results of the research of the Hungarian research workshops in this field, to discuss the possibilities of their practical application.
He stated at the conference that one of the trends in sustainable multi-functional agriculture is also key to maintaining organic agriculture and sectoral biodiversity. In consumer culture in the twenty-first century and agricultural production The principle of environmental awareness or sustainability is gaining ground.
There is almost no consumer in the world who has not encountered any “organic” or “environmentally friendly” product. The increasing demand for the associated natural “pure ingredients” is in many cases driven by the harmful consequences of industrial farming, climate change, growing health problems or the need for a healthy lifestyle.
The share of ecological zones has increased significantly in Hungary
Peter SzaboIn his greeting, the head of the organizing organization of the event, representing MATE, said that Georgikon Campus wants to be the knowledge base in the region with sustainability in mind and that their main research and development strategy is also based on sustainability.
Dr. Attila LukskyThe Special Rapporteur on Organic Agriculture and Mycology at the Ministry of Agriculture said that In Hungary, the share of ecological areas has increased significantly, currently 6.03%, i.e. 303,190 hectares of the share of agricultural land, which has doubled in the past eight years. Thus, Hungary ranks 24th in the world in this indicator.
The number of approved economic operators has also increased, currently 5,136, making us 15th in the European Union. His presentation also focused on the strategy of the National Action Plan for the development of organic agriculture.
Dr. Dóra Drexler, Director of the Organic Agriculture Research Institute also gave a presentation – Source:
Practical results are required
Dr. Dora DrexlerExecutive Director of the Organic Agriculture Research Institute, spoke about the role of on-farm and live lab research Organic Agriculture in its development. In his view, practical results are needed Which can be used in day-to-day management and connect Hungary to the international scientific communityor that connect producers, processors and consultants, i.e. actors in production lines.
Looking at their findings, he stressed that regional diversity recommendations each year for organic farmers maintain a national network of post-registration grain varietal testing on a small plot, have a working group for ecological seeds, and launched the Mill Farms Initiative.
He also gave a lecture in the workshop Dr.. Deviki Artsy Anna, Associate Professor at MATE, Gabor ChillerPresident of the Hungarian Society of Bioaquaculture, Dr. Zoltan SirisOn behalf of Biokontroll Hungária and Dr.. Janus Sixorowner-manager, president of the Hungarian Humic Acid Association. Dr. Giorgi TorosiAn associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MATE) spoke about environmental plant protection, Dr. Barnabas KovacsAnd an assistant teacher at MATE gave a lecture on soil management in organic and bio viticulture. Workshop Laszlo Doberclosed by Kristinus Borbirtok Szőlő and farm manager, who gave a practice-oriented presentation on the biodynamic transition of their property and the privacy of the farm.