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Nearly ten million new bendable Galaxy devices were sold last year

Nearly ten million new bendable Galaxy devices were sold last year

The head of Samsung Mobile proudly announced that nearly ten million Flip and Fold devices were sold in 2021, which is an absolute success.

The company announced in a press release that Samsung’s Z series achieved 300 percent year-on-year growth compared to 2020 last year. TM Roh, President of Samsung Mobile, wrote in the announcement that the number of sales of the Z series designed and built by the company approached ten million. With this, it was possible to exceed the planned number of 7 million units. In the ad, Roh wrote that more people are interested in bendable phones, so these types of cell phones are beginning to enter the ranks of the average high-end phone.

Samsung will unveil its latest phones with bendable screens on August 10.
Samsung will unveil its latest phones with bendable screens on August 10. (Source: Mobilearena) [+]

In the Samsung range, the Z Flip 3 is the absolute standard, and the modern clamshell phone made up 70% of all foldable smartphones sold, making it the most successful foldable phone to date. Regarding August 10 Unpacked, Roh promises that they will raise the stakes, at the same time confirming the arrival of new bendable phones, plural, so it is almost certain that the Flip 4, which will be used as a means of self-expression, and the Fold 4, which will be Use it also for productivity, as its peak.

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