“Soon there will be F-16s in the skies over Ukraine,” the official wrote. Danyilov posted a video about the technical characteristics of the F-16, However, he did not provide details on whether any decision has already been taken regarding the delivery of the fighter jets.
In his video message on Wednesday evening, President Volodymyr Zelensky called it an important goal for Ukraine’s partners to start supplying military aircraft after the decision to supply Western-made tanks.
According to the Ukrainian news portal, the American manufacturer of the F-16 aircraft announced that it is ready to deliver this type of aircraft to European countries that can transfer them to Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the power supply company in Ukkernerho reported that after the attacks of Russian drones and missiles on Thursday There is still a serious deficit in the Ukrainian energy systemBecause of this, ten regions – including the vicinity of the capital Kyiv – have been forced to apply emergency lockdowns. It is also not excluded that such a level of restrictions will be required in other provinces as well.
The local leadership of the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine reported that over the past day– Russian forces launched violent attacks on the settlement of Avjijevka. In one day, six local residents were killed and nine injured in the county. Donetsk Provincial Governor Pavlo Kirilenko announced via Telegram that on Friday morning Russian forces fired on the Khasiv Yar settlement, killing two civilians and wounding five.
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