Organizations that provide environmental education to children based on experiences can apply for the titles of Green Kindergarten and Orucos Zold Avoda until September 30. In his educational work, the applicant must have undertaken assignments and activities for three (completed) years of education prior to submission of the application, which have been effectively carried out in order to achieve the goals of modern environmental education. Even after receiving the title, the applicant must consistently fulfill the conditions of the Green Kindergarten criteria system.
In its application, the institution must prove that environmental education occupies a central role in the kindergarten educational program, and that it implements the programs in relation to the specific task performance site. All job placements that meet at least 60 percent of the content included in the Green Kindergarten Standards System can be applied during their institutional educational work. Applications are evaluated by the Evaluation Committee appointed jointly by the Department of Energy (ME) and the Department of the Interior (BM) with the participation of pre-school environmental educators, experts and consultants.
The Deputy Minister of State for Environmental Protection in the Ministry of Energy and Deputy Minister of State for Public Education Affairs in the Ministry of Interior will make a decision by December 22 at the latest based on the proposal of the evaluation committee. Within 10 working days after the decision, EM will notify applicants by letter of the outcome of the decision. By the way, 45 kindergartens in our county have received certification so far (nearly 1,100 nationally), of which Komáromi Tóparti Kindergarten has been operating as a primary kindergarten in the county for seven years.