On Thursday, the Ukrainian President held talks with the Secretary General of NATO.

On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also recalled the massacre at Babi Yar on September 29, 1941, in a video message uploaded to Twitter, during which Nazi German soldiers killed more than thirty thousand Jews in occupied Kiev.

Zelensky wrote in his post accompanying the video that tomorrow he will announce important news for “Ukraine and its fighters.” As he put it, he is working to ensure that the coming weeks “bring more cooperation with the world.”

In the video addressed to the Ukrainian people, Zelensky talks about Saturday’s announcement regarding the strengthening of Ukraine and the importance of cooperation with the world, but he did not give details.

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As we reported, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made an unexpected visit to Kiev on Thursday, where he spoke in the Ukrainian capital about the need to strengthen Ukrainian air defense. So it is possible that Saturday’s announcement will also discuss what was agreed upon.


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