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Index – Belgium – Zsolt Baer sent an angry message: “You journalist, you little person, move!”

Index – Belgium – Zsolt Baer sent an angry message: “You journalist, you little person, move!”

As Index reported, Joe Biden’s government recently announced that it is preparing to impose sanctions on Hungarian individuals. So far, it has not been revealed who specifically will be targets of the sanctions and what measures will be taken against them. According to VSquare, they are preparing to impose sanctions on individuals linked to the Hungarian political elite.

Zsolt Baer responded to the news in an enthusiastic post: “Oh God, put me among them!” He added that it would be one of the greatest miracles of his life “if these double-zero assholes, these black-belt thugs, these self-defeating idiots, these scoundrels were banned.” [Bayer itt vélhetően a woke-ra gondolt wok helyett – a szerk.]. Then he contacted the US Ambassador in Budapest:

Listen, Pressman, you old, soft, grouch [helyesen: nyavalyás – a szerk.] Nobody, take action!

– written by Enter the blogEben is the publicist who went to the American ambassador not for the first time. When David Pressman was appointed, the conservative journalist said: “Before he comes here, he needs to go home.”

The conflict has been going on for a long time

In April this year, the United States imposed punitive measures against the Budapest-based International Investment Bank, which some call a “Russian spy bank,” and its senior officials. In August, they decided to limit the visa-free status of Hungarian passports.

If there are new sanctions against the Hungarians, they are expected to be announced again by David Pressman. The US Embassy in Budapest has not yet indicated that it is preparing for any announcement.

As we wrote, since the appointment of US Ambassador David Pressman, the atmosphere in the Hungarian leadership has been particularly tense. For example, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán jokingly described the ambassador as a “press man,” implicitly suggesting that he wanted to exert pressure on Hungarian government policy.