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The Dutch have pancakes on their heads, but thanks to you, they’re fine

The Dutch have pancakes on their heads, but thanks to you, they’re fine

November 29 is just an ordinary day in most parts of the world, but in the Netherlands it is a very special day: this is the day they celebrate Pancake Day. It is actually not a real holiday, but every year more and more Dutch people decide to celebrate it. He puts a pie on his head.

The idea for the holiday came from the head of Dutch cartoonist Jan Kroes in 1986. Then just a simple image – depicting a family serving pancakes on their heads – About drawing It was debated, but Croes put a trowel to it three decades later and created the Saint Pannekoek (i.e. pancake) Gospel. In it, he tells the story of a 12th century (and yes, completely fictional) monastery where one night (i.e. November 29) they celebrated a young monk’s birthday and ate pancakes. Each monk was given only one pie, but when the old abbot complained of being cold, the young monk did not hesitate to put a pie on his head to keep the old man warm. At that moment, an angel descended from heaven with a golden frying pan in his hand, from which he turned a pancake onto the young monk’s head. Then the other monks shouted a miracle and placed their pancakes on their heads.

Thus was born the legend of St. Pancake, which still does not exist, but that does not seem to bother the Dutch. Cheers!

(Sky News)

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