The OnePlus 10 Pro phone was launched in January 2022 and came with the Android 12 operating system, which was then upgraded to Android 13 last September. The smartphone has received another major software update, as it has already started rolling out the stable Android 14, complemented by the OxygenOS 14 interface.
The update that contains the new major version is NE2211_14.0.0.202(EX01) It comes with the firmware version and requires a download of approximately 790MB. It is important to know that currently only users participating in the open beta program in India are getting the new software, but it will soon be introduced in other regions as well. Most likely, the downloaded data package will be larger for those who missed the trial version of the program.
One of the users who received the update took a screenshot of the change log. As you can see, the new software includes Fluid Cloud, File Dock, Content Extraction, and Smart Cutout. Some of these options, or similar ones, are also included in the recently announced ColorOS 14, which we also wrote about, so our previous article may be suitable for guidance regarding new features.
source: GSMArena
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