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Index – Belföld – A tsunami of hatred erupted after one of Tamasra Bajor's videos

Index – Belföld – A tsunami of hatred erupted after one of Tamasra Bajor's videos

“Gathering of the greatest neo-Nazis of the past and present in memory of Istvan Czarka, the greatest anti-Semite of modern times, and his former party, MIÉP, led by MIÉP leader and his right-hand man, Ilodki Novak, Korošínvos from the day of the outbreak,” Tamás Pajor began his video. .

Afterwards, he added that at the meeting, veteran MIÉP members asked Laszlo Toroczkai why there was not a tougher stance against Israel, and he – according to Bajor – responded by saying that if Israel was destroyed, “seven million Jews would flood Europe again.”

Wow, this sign of Israel's destruction is familiar to me from somewhere

– said Bajor, then pointed out that at the meeting “Katalin Karikou was also described as a genocidal genius.” At the end of the video, he asked his followers if they should really fear the other seven million Jews in Europe.

Underneath the video, there were quite a few hateful comments from those who felt singled out, such as:

  • “Let all the bastards of your race be crushed.”
  • “There will be more shoes on the banks of the Danube.”
  • “Bajor is a dung curd larvae.”
  • “Are you getting paid for this? Or is he just a traitor?”

Last fall, Tamás Pajor gave a great interview with Index about his career.