Among the world's most mysterious cultures are those whose traces have been unearthed for centuries deep in the jungle of Central America. The Maya, Aztec and Olmec civilizations have given scientists an astonishing amount of things to discover, as have giant metropolises. It was revealed to archaeologists deep in the forest, which was connected by roads and road networks.
Maja Piramisokun Inside, they are still searching for where the mysterious tunnels lead. In one of the great pyramids of Tenuxtitlan, they have been searching for a decade for where the mysterious rivers of mercury lead, since according to several explorers, there apparently may be a royal tomb in the hidden passages of the Pyramid of Hol in the former Maya Aztec city.
But sometimes scientists come across truly shocking discoveries in Mexico. The group of discoveries that still arouse great controversy consists of more than thirty thousand miniature figurines that were discovered within the borders of the Acambaro settlement in the 1940s, that is, eighty years ago. The small figures were described as being found in the ground and unlike anything the locals had encountered before.
A huge disc-shaped object was found near the Mayan pyramids, which later turned out to be a thousand-year-old temple
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Many may depict deities or species of animals previously unknown to explorers. Furthermore, in many cases, these figurines depicted people sitting on dinosaur-like creatures. So, naturally, the old theory that dinosaurs were still living with humans at some point was immediately put forward in many forums.
Archaeologists immediately began investigating the age of the finds, and of course accusations that the statues were fake were immediately raised. Although the latter is difficult to explain to those who have come into contact with it, why such cultural imprints began to appear en masse in these small settlements.
Subsequently, many researches were carried out, which finally proved that the finds were fake, as dating had proven that they were from our time, although they were carefully mixed into collections of underground finds hundreds of years old.
But the controversy continues to this day, and from time to time there are those who propose a different scientific dating technique. But the prevailing scientific position is that these statues are fakes, not imprints of an ancient culture, but modern artifacts.
This is what the numbers look like:
A QR code was found on an ancient Mayan statue. Do aliens want to message us this way?
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(via University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology)