The imaginative works of peace poetry were created in the 12th century. For an application related to the Szent-Györgyi study competition. Watch short videos made by high school students!
A creative contest has also been linked to last fall's 12th anniversary. SZTE for the Szent-György Study Competition. Teams can choose from two topics:
- Albert Sint-Gyorgy was born 130 years ago – criticized
- Scientific discoveries of 1893 – criticized
According to the competition announcement, the duration of the knockout can be no more than one minute. The coursework was evaluated by members of the Szent-György Study Competition jury and question makers, as well as employees of the SZTE Public Relations and Public Affairs Directorate, regardless of the outcome of the subject competition. The winner(s) received a valuable prize.
Two research papers were received on the scientific discoveries of 1893, the winner of which was… You will heal It became a team named Medgyessy Ferenc High School from Debrecen. Creators: Zoe Barothy, Mile Lilian, Patrick Lobo. Their video By clicking here available.
Horváth Mihály High School in Szentes pyrimidine His team also made a video about it:
The theme “Albert Sint-Gyorgy was born 130 years ago” was most popular among students, with five teams submitting videos to the competition. The winner is A Two and a half men The team became named:
The life of Szent-György has been treated in a funny way – his poem goes as follows:
“I was born in Pest 130 years ago,
Albert Sint-Gyorgy is my real name.
I wasn't a good student, but I wanted to be a scientist,
Or at least as famous as Lionel Messi.
I received my degree in 2017.
And then the doctorate, with the words: Chemistry.
oxidation and reduction, you've maxed out both,
Then I didn't miss university work.
I didn't even like some of them
I became head of the biology department.
I played tennis, went on as long walks as time allowed,
But I never gave up on my ambitious plan.
I'm sitting at home one day, waiting for dinner,
When I saw him, there would be pepper today.
I didn't really like it, but it brought me success.
In 1937 she became a Nobel Prize laureate.
In doing so, I did the world a favor.
Unfortunately, my kidneys stopped at the age of 93,
So my story ends now.”
The winning application came from Lorántffy Zsuzsanna Technikum of SzC Dunaújváros, created by Fanni Süveges, Barnabás Toronyi and Marcell Slinszki.
Other business:
Vitamin Hunters / Zentai High School
(Unfortunately, their video is currently unavailable)
Professional tennis players / Kiskunhalas Correctional College and Áron Szilády High School and College
Creators: Zsigmund Lengyel, Leila Varga, and Sofia Eged-Isak
Lorantvi / Dunaújvárosi SzC Lorántffy Zsuzsanna Technikum
Written by: Amina Annette Kovacs, Patrick Milan-Nagy, Balint Toth
Nurses / SZE Szent-Györgyi Albert Health and Social Technical College and Vocational Training School, Györgyi