This is how Liberia was born.
Along different ideologies, but in the XIX. At the beginning of the twentieth century, many people believed that it would be better to remove African Americans from the United States. According to some, they will never be able to integrate into a white-dominated society, so it would be better to “get rid” of them as soon as possible. Southern slave owners feared that free blacks would be instigators of slave uprisings, so increasing their numbers was undesirable for them, the article wrote. Mú
On the other side of the coin, for humanitarian reasons, they believed that since they would never have equal rights with whites, a country should be created in which African Americans could live freely. As a solution, they found it
Eventually, groups advocating different solutions formed the American Colonization Society in 1816 and began organizing immigration. The first migrants established their first residences on a 58-kilometre stretch of Liberia's coast. She spent the first decades in bitter misery. Of the 4,571 settlers who arrived in Africa in the 1820s, by 1843, only 1,819 people had escaped poverty and epidemics, and they also had to fight with the indigenous people for possession of the land.
However, they succeeded, and the immigrants established the Commonwealth of Liberia in 1838, and declared Liberian independence in 1847.