February 17, 2024 – 11:16 am
Benton Harbor is a small town in the United States with a population of nine thousand people, located on the shores of Lake Michigan, not far from Chicago. Not far from the city centre, next to the train tracks, there is a café called Mason Jar Café.
At Mason Jar Café, according to waiters, guests usually tip 15 to 25 percent. However, sometimes a larger amount is entered, usually one hundred dollars, which today is equivalent to about 36,000 Hungarian forints.
Last Monday, a guest named Mark left an unusual amount of tips after consuming his drink. The amount in Mark's account was $32 and 43 cents (about 11,500 Hungarian forints), which he supplemented with a $10,000 tip. This amount was converted to approximately 3.6 million Hungarian forints.
The waiter didn't want to believe it and told Mark he thought something was wrong. On the other hand, he confirmed that he really wanted the $10,000 tip. When the waiter asked him why he tipped so much, Mark said that a friend of his had recently died and he had come to Benton Harbor for his funeral. Hill writes.
The employees split the money nine ways, so everyone got just over $1,100. Converted, this corresponds to approximately four hundred thousand forints.