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Mr. Gorski devoured his 34,000th Big Mac, setting the Guinness World Record forever.

Mr. Gorski devoured his 34,000th Big Mac, setting the Guinness World Record forever.

By the age of 70, Donald “Don” Gorski had literally put himself in that position To the Guinness Book of World Records the guardian According to the article he became the person who ate the most Big Mac hamburgers during his life.

Anyone who has seen the classic documentary, A.J Super size me– He is probably basically aware that eating a lot of fast food is not good for digestion and health. However, Gorski was worth seventy dollars, with tens of thousands of burgers in his intestines. Naturally, this required lifestyle overhauls: Instead of 9 meals a day, he cut the number of stuffed Big Macs to 2 a day, ditched the French fries on the menu, and walked nearly 10 kilometers a day as a form of exercise.

The record officially belongs to him: More than 34,000 Big Macs have passed through his digestive system during his lifetime.

“A lot of people thought I was going to die by now,” the 70-year-old said while signing the record on Thursday. Instead, he added, he became one of the tallest Guinness World Record holders. The former prisoner from Wisconsin was able to hear the warnings of experts: Excessive consumption of fast food leads to obesity and can cause heart problems due to the large number of calories, sugar, salt and fat contained in it.

Mr. Gorski had his first Big Mac on May 17, 1972, and immediately fell in love with the dish. He then decided that he would count the burgers that had been harvested since then. He didn't skimp on evidence either, keeping all the Big Mac receipts and boxes. His mother tried to get him to see better, or at least get him to stop eating a Big Mac at least once a day, but by 1981 he had given up trying, saying, “If you haven't been killed yet, just keep going.” Going.”

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Gorski goes to the McDonald's near his home every day, and at his peak he would order nine Big Macs a day, eating them all within the same day. There is a separate photo of him in the catering unit, in the car park where he proposed to his later wife. Now he goes to Meki's only twice a week, orders a large batch of Big Macs, and eats them at home little by little. He sometimes changes up the routine with ice cream, fruit slices, and potato chips.

In his dangerous hobby, he was supported by his former prison guard colleagues and his wife, and the prisoners often cheered for him when they saw him on television. Gorsky actually held the record in 1999, and in 2011 he reached the 25,000th Big Mac mark (at that time he announced that he would gnaw on sandwiches until he died), and only in 2023 did he chew 728 Big Macs, so he officially and specifically reached 34,128. Sindus was destroyed. He has not lost his appetite, and wants to continue his unhealthy hobby:

“If I like something, I always stick with it. People who have seen me eating a Big Mac often comment that I look like I'm eating a Big Mac for the first time in my life.”

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