The situation hasn't really improved since the beginning of March, when it was revealed that Money Balsay had severe vocal cord inflammation. He had to cancel several shows at the Central Theater because of this, and now they have announced again in a statement that he is still unable to perform. the To blink He revealed a few days ago that his vocal cords are still not closed properly, and his throat is also bleeding:
Ez – sajnos – még most is tart, még mindig nem zár rendesen a hangaszalagom. Ez egy hangszalaggyulladás, amit még meg is erőltettem, mert pont premierünk volt, főpróbahét, így aztán bevérzett a torkom... Ez jelenleg is tart, nem tudom, mennyire lehet hallani, de nem az igazi, úgyhogy finoman kell beszélnem
The actress announced on her Facebook page that her doctors ordered her to remain silent for another week.
Szomorú vagyok. És végtelenül sajnálom…
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