April 16, 2024 – 6:17 pm
Photoshop is the most popular image editing software in the world, and so dominant in its genre that it is actually used as a common noun in the Hungarian language (see the verb “fotosoppolni”). This is not the only highly successful software of the Adobe development company, the video editing program Premiere Pro is also used by many people – although it has strong competitors such as Final Cut, Vegas or Lightworks. Adobe is now trying to surpass them with an AI already proven in Photoshop, Firefly It includes Also among the premiere tools.
Based on the demo video just posted, the system can do some pretty cool things. You can use it to remove and transform objects from a video in real time, and these are just the basic tricks:
According to the company's promise, it will no longer be possible to use the software to create fake videos, because Premiere will indelibly burn your name into every video file edited with AI. Of course, it is questionable whether users and/or hackers will be able to find a loophole in this protection in a creative way (they usually do).