The function has arrived in a new update, allowing us to hide emotions that the developers consider confrontational. In the future, you won't have to watch losers dancing on top of us with an L in front of their foreheads.
An important component of competitive gaming has always been trash talking, i.e. talking to the opponent. There are times when this is acceptable for both parties, but it also happens that it causes difficult moments for the defeated.
A popular element in Fortnite since the beginning has been the different emotes, that is, short dances or different sequences of moves that can be performed with characters. Apparently, from the beginning, players have used these dances to perform “victory dances” on the vanquished, and a few moves can be quite offensive.
The developers now have four victory celebrations is determinedWhich for them is considered confrontational and they have made it possible to hide it, that is, if a player unknown to us plays the sequence of moves, we will not see it in the future.
The four emotions are a Laughthe Take Lthe Webrak And the Make it plantain. In the future, the game will automatically hide them from strangers, meaning that we will only see them on our friends list. However, we can turn it off for them in settings, or enable it for everyone.