- author, Miriam Parker
- roles, BBC News
Baby Reindeer star Jessica Gunning said reading the script for the Netflix series gave her the same feelings she felt when she first read the script for Pride.
Gunning, who portrays a stalker named Martha in the film Oral, previously played Sian James in 2014's Pride.
Sian was the wife of an amazing miner who later became MP for Swansea East.
“I had a similar reaction I remember when I read [Pride] “I was in a cafe for the first time, and I cried so hard,” Gunning told BBC Radio Wales.
“It's been a beautiful thing to be a part of, and I feel like it's a lot like Baby Reindeer.”
“I feel like it's had an amazing response and has touched so many people, and I'm so proud to have been a part of it all,” she said.
Gunning, 38, remembers being at a screening of Pride and sitting next to Imelda Staunton.
“she [Imelda Staunton] He told me, if we never work again, we can say we were in this movie.
“What a movie, it's incredible.”
Netflix's Baby Reindeer depicts the true story of a stalker, portrayed by Gunning, who harassed the series' writer and creator, Richard Gadd, over a number of years.
“I have a fantastic dialect coach who helped me, and she also helped me with my Welsh accent when I did Pride,” she said.