Phobias can develop towards practically any object or situation. For example, people with technophobia feel an irrational fear of technological development.
Although we tend to think of phobias in the 21st century”invention“, Technophobia has been present in people's lives for a long time, and it has not been given a name. The fear of technology is not so new that the fear of machines and robots can go back to the Industrial Revolution.
toOdette For example, they entered the history books regarding the destruction of machinery: in the early 19th century, English workers stormed factories in droves, destroying machines, and even destroying entire factories. The word Luddite later also entered common language: it is used for people who fear new technology or protest technological development.
“Concerns about technology and the fear that technology will make us lose our jobs will be with us as long as there are jobs.“- Tell Karl Benedikt Frey, researcher at the University of Oxford.
Therefore, technophobia is not new, and with the advent of artificial intelligence, fears in this direction have increased again. Moreover, artificial intelligence divides not only ordinary people, but scientists as well. For example, Stephen Hawking warned that artificial intelligence could mean the end of humanity if it began to develop independently.