“I won't even answer you whether it's day or night,” he answered RTL's question. Vednyansky AttilaWhen the channel's correspondent wanted to ask him why he did not contact him Colca John. According to RTL News, the theater director did not contact the actor when he was chosen as the nation's representative.
Molnár Piroska on Vidnyánszky RTL report: There is no such thing as someone who has no right to ask
Do you understand what I say? You, this channel, have no right to ask
– Vidnyánszky answered annoyed.
After the incident Miller little red riding hoodthe nation's representative for focus He said About the incident and the reason he contacted Jianus Kulka to inform him of receipt of the address.
The manager was busy with his family. I do not remember a time when the director did not call him (actor of the new nation – editor), but this was not the case even in the case of Vidnyansky.
Piroska Molnár also spoke about how Vidnyánszky responded to RTL's questions:
I've seen the report, there is no such thing as no one has the right to ask. Every person has rights.
It has been discussed Polite Dorothywho after leaving The National said he was fired due to financial difficulties, and Vidnyansky blamed him “for not fulfilling the obligatory number of offers.”
According to Piroska Molnar, the actor cannot act because he has not met his quota.
If he is given tasks, he carries them out. It is unlikely that an actress of this type like Dorotea would fulfill this obligation. What is this thing! The first stage performer! It's ridiculous to perform some obligatory performance numbers… Let the theater be happy that it can call Dorotea Odvaros its own! (…) In the spring, whatever the actor's contract is, he should be offered next year's contract. The actor gets time to think.