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There are more and more compatible pig farms

There are more and more compatible pig farms

Ten compatible pig farms are already operating in Hargitta District, but their number is constantly increasing. It is important that small farms adhere to the regulations that were tightened at the end of last year, because this is the only way they can sell pigs intended for public consumption, and this is the only way local people can obtain high-quality, controlled local products. pork.

In order to reduce the spread of swine fever, in November last year, the state tightened regulations on raising pigs intended for sale, and small farms raising pigs for sale must also adhere to the regulations.

Ten pig farms in Harghita District have already become compliant recently, but their number is constantly increasing, and dozens more have already begun the compatibility process.

– We learned from Robert István, Head of the Animal Health and Food Safety Directorate of Hargitta County.

The ten farms that became compliant all maintained a relatively large number of animals, and old activity was also resumed in the county's small slaughterhouses and abattoirs, so

Local pigs and cattle are slaughtered

The manager said. In all areas of the province, there are already compliant pig farms. “The system is working,” the director declared. His colleagues have been visiting 4-5 farms a week in recent years as well

Conditions related to biosafety are checked on site, and it is a condition that the farm in question obtains the necessary approval from the specialized authority to become compliant.

In the penultimate week of May, swine fever appeared on a farm near the forest in the Lóvész settlement of Csíkszentmihály municipality, so the Felcík district was included in the 10-kilometre animal health surveillance zone around the outbreak.

Robert informed Istvan.

We wrote earlier

The Swine Plague reared its head in Lovis
The Swine Plague reared its head in Lovis

The presence of African swine fever has been detected in the Loviš settlement of Csikszentmihalyi municipality, in a backyard herd of cattle. The authorities took the usual measures at this time.

By the way, small farms must meet minimum requirements in order to obtain approval from the authorities to sell pigs.

Only pigs can be kept in a pig pen, and the yard must be fenced so that other animals cannot enter it.

There must be a working room even in winter, with water supplied to it, so that the owner can wash his hands and clean his shoes there; You can store your cloak and protective clothing there.

There must also be a sterilization tray at the entrance to the arena, so that you can enter the arena through it.

Pigs kept there must be numbered and the farmer must sign a contract with a veterinarian.

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