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Index – Science – The first victim of bird flu dies in Mexico

Index – Science – The first victim of bird flu dies in Mexico

The World Health Organization has confirmed that the first fatal human infection with the bird flu strain known as H5N2 occurred in Mexico, MTI reported.

A 59-year-old man suffering from several other illnesses was transferred to a hospital in Mexico City after being infected with the virus. He suffered from fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and general malaise. In the end, they were unable to save his life.

This was the first confirmed case of a human being infected with the H5N2 bird flu virus and dying from the disease.

This was also the first known infection with the H5N2 avian influenza virus in a person in Mexico. According to the WHO report, the origin of the disease in this particular case is unknown, but H5N2 viruses have already been found in poultry in Mexico.

In March, a bird flu infection was detected at a poultry farm in Michoacán, Mexico. This state is located on the border of the state in which the infected patient and then the deceased lived. He said that while the victim was ill, he did not know he had been in contact with poultry or other animals, but he was suffering from several underlying illnesses. According to his relatives, he became bedridden three weeks before the onset of severe symptoms. According to the World Health Organization, there is currently a low risk of possible infection with the virus in the population.