Dakota Johnson was promoting her sexy stunt on a TV show when the belt of her black dress suddenly broke. The actress was not afraid, she continued to hold the dress in her hand.
Dakota Johnson, who also appeared in the popular thriller Fifty Shades of Gray and its sequels, was promoting her joint film with Sean Penn, Nanny, on her live show with Jimmy Kimmel, when an embarrassing situation occurred: her dress almost fell off. the origo.hu According to his report, the actress appeared on television in a black dress. One of the straps of her dress broke at any moment, fortunately during the flip, so TV viewers only saw Dakota Johnson with her hands when they returned to the studio He carries His clothes.
“It only fell once…well, I'll keep it.”
The actress, who was not shy before, said that she also appeared naked in a transparent dress at another stop on Dadio's press tour.
The joint daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson was also in the news not so long ago with her personal life: six years later, she got engaged to Chris Martin, Coldplay frontman, who was previously the husband of Gwyneth Paltrow, and is also the father of the actress' two children.
Regarding having children, Dakota Johnson said:
“I'm open to it! I've gotten to the point where I really want to experience everything life has to offer. Especially as a woman, I feel like it's something magical. Life is short, so if it happens now, I'm ready for it.”
He said after the engagement.
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