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People's Vote: Orban negotiates the creation of a new faction in the European Parliament

People's Vote: Orban negotiates the creation of a new faction in the European Parliament

It is claimed that the Prime Minister will rely mainly on populist parties in the Visegrad countries.

He is negotiating Viktor Orbán Hungarian Prime Minister regarding the creation of a new faction in the European Parliament Andrej Babis Former Czech Prime Minister W Robert Fico With the party of the Slovak Prime Minister – written by Népszava cites several of her independent sources.

Fidesz, the Czech Anu Party, which left the Liberals, and the Slovak Smir Party, which was expelled from the Socialists, want to create a bloc composed mainly of Central and Eastern European representatives, opposed to the political mainstream, on the basis of the Visegrad states. The newspaper added.

Referring to the statement of their informant, they wrote that the idea for the new faction came from Viktor Orbán.

They are waiting for the assembly Jaroslaw Kaczynski Led by Poland's Law and Justice Party, which strengthens the Eurosceptic faction of conservatives and reformists. Hungary's ruling party, Fidesz, would also have tried to do so, but Orbán's once-most important ally, the head of the ECR party family, Georgia Meloni The Italian Prime Minister rejected his approach.

According to the newspaper, the hopeful founders are waiting for him in the new faction Janez Jansa There is also the Democratic Party of Slovenia, but its representatives currently sit in the center-right European People's Party, i.e. in the largest party group in the European Parliament, where Peter Magyar Tessa's party is also being prepared.

One of the newspaper's sources said that the Identity and Democracy faction and the Polish Law and Justice Party want to make July 8, the day after the French National Assembly elections, the unofficial deadline for forming the factions instead of July 4. Although the result does not affect the number of members of the European Parliament, it may change the momentum of political battles in the representative body.

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