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We need a safe place to start from and to which we can return at any time. Writings of Sandor Mohe in connection with the Thirty-Second Vindhya Meeting

We need a safe place to start from and to which we can return at any time. Writings of Sandor Mohe in connection with the Thirty-Second Vindhya Meeting

Sandor Mühe, one of the founding members of the Ferenc Kölcsey Véndiak Association, will share his thoughts on the 32nd Véndiak Meeting to be held on 12-13 July, and will draw attention to the programmes he runs.

“The most important objective of this year’s meeting is not entertainment per se, but a number of small and large group activities, which, by emphasizing local traditions, values ​​and specific character, make this event exceptional, inalienable, unique and irreplaceable.”

From this point of view, I am going on a sightseeing tour, where we talk about Szamos, the new bridges, and the landscape of the floodplains. I am organizing a quiz game with Szatmár content in the exhibition hall of the Industrial House, and there will also be a local history exhibition with a hundred photos from the Ez is Szatmár series, with the help of which I will present some of the most significant images of the recent successful renovations.

I will open an exhibition by artists from Zatmar, Gabriela Kiraly and Ildiko Lepidus and their students, and the usefulness and necessity of the Vendéan meetings will be discussed in my opening speech at the Philharmonic.

The above is just a small part of the meeting, which is organized and managed by a large and experienced team that realizes many original ideas and concepts, from sports and cultural activities to class meetings, from presentation to table reservation, from food and drink provision to live music, from virtual promotion to continuous display of documentary photos, from recording income and expenses to creating promotional materials, and I could go on.

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Vendia meetings are organized by many people in many places, from Marosvásárhely to Timişoara, from Nagyvárád to Cluj, from Zilah to Csíkszereda, and among these places, Szatmári stands out for its specific activities, which are unique to it, as well as the respect and enrichment of the local people. Traditions, and perhaps thanks to this, can become an example for others. In Szatmári, they know that in this unpredictable world, we need a safe place, where we started and where we can return at any time, where we are known, and where we can be ourselves, even for a short time, without playing roles.

“We wish all participants enjoyable entertainment, lasting experiences, and long-lasting, high-quality refreshments,” says Sandor Mohe.

Book tables and rooms

Tables for the Vendia meeting can be booked on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 am and 6 pm at the RMDSZ headquarters in Szatmarnem (Mihai Witzol Street, No. 10). You can contact Dávid Deák by phone at 0750 165 609.

Classes celebrating graduation have the opportunity to reserve rooms this year as well.

Class meetings organised in the Református Gimnázium building (Jean Calvin tér 2) on weekdays after 3 p.m. can be booked by contacting the teacher Zsuzsanna Jékel by calling the following number: 0750 892 812.

Those who wish to hold a teacher's lesson at Kölcsey Ferenc High School can contact the teacher Paula Juhász by calling 0742634880.

At Hám János Roman Catholic Theological High School you can book a class with teacher György Varga on weekdays after 12 noon on telephone number 0742 050 824.

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And Szatmárnémeti Véndiakzövesség about the detailed program and interesting facts On his Facebook page, On his Instagram profileor on its website, It can be read by those interested.

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