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Chinese miracle battery is useless

Chinese miracle battery is useless

You don't have to believe everything they say will save the world. Again, they're just tweaking something that already exists to make people trust electric cars more.

There is no doubt about another miracle.

Recently, Chinese state media reported that researchers in the country have made a major breakthrough in battery technology. The country’s leadership has seen the fantasy in this, and major companies are providing serious financial support to develop so-called solid-state batteries. These offer greater capacity, runtime, and faster charging. Sounds good, huh? We were waiting for such a miracle. Unfortunately, the reality is different.

solid state battery
Scientists are working on solid-state batteries.
Solid state battery technology has been known for a long time. There is nothing new in the procedure.
  • The new development concerns the cover material, thanks to which these products will better withstand thermal expansion.
  • The “huge sum” is $830 million. That’s about the annual budget of three NFL teams. And on top of that, that’s also combined by six companies. So they don’t see that huge potential in it. China is spending about $50 billion on chip development alone this year… At that level, $830 million is a rounding error.
  • Volkswagen has also worked extensively in this area, and is doing much better than the Chinese companies. This year's cars are already equipped with revolutionary solid-state power banks.
Volkswagen electric
This will not save the electric car. Image: Volkswagen

So the point is: You don’t have to believe everything the media tells you. There is no magic, one of the biggest problems of electric cars couldn’t be solved in one fell swoop, and there is absolutely no need to amaze people with such nonsense, it will all backfire. However, many people consider electric cars a hobby, because they are tired of aggressive communication and fake success stories like this.

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