Journey to the Savage Planet is a 2020 first-person Metroidvania that has sold well and those who have played it have reported good experiences, but oddly enough, there's a very good chance you've never heard of it.
Anyway, the sequel is coming, Revenge of the Savage Planet takes the bright and cheerful nature of the original game and switches to a third-person perspective. The developer is Raccoon Logic, who were previously employees of Typhoon Studios, but were acquired by Google, and after the fall of Stadia, that story ended.
In order to maintain the rights to the Savage Planet IP, the first game was sold to 505 Games, so they don't get a dime from the sales. After these precedents comes the sequel, which is one Brings you sprawling 3D metroidvania across four crazy planets.which is inhabited by strange creatures that can be shot, kicked, or even captured and taken to base.
Savage Planet Revenge | Official Trailer Reveal Trailer”frameborder=”0″allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; write to clipboard; encrypted media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web sharing”referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin”allowfullscreen>