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Severe weather has arrived in the region, and it has also made itself felt online.

Severe weather has arrived in the region, and it has also made itself felt online.

Hurricane Boris brought flooding

On September 11, we wrote based on the National Weather Service report: About Hurricane Boriswhich developed on the southern branch of a large European cold front centered over the Gulf of Genoa.

On September 12, climate expert Joseph Weiler warned of a catastrophe for people living in areas at risk of landslides along rivers affected by heavy rainfall.

Before the heavy rains that began last week, weather models had already indicated that a complex set of meteorological phenomena – moist air coming from the unusually warm Mediterranean and Hurricane Boris forming in the region – would be associated with increased rainfall.

In our latest analysis, we showed that global warming also has a significant impact on flooding. Climate change is causing extreme weather conditions in more and more places around the world, which can often lead to natural disasters.

According to research, the average extent of flooding in Europe has increased by 11.3% in the past 70 years, which will pose an increasing challenge for people living in the most vulnerable areas in the future.

About that What is the result of weather phenomena? The massive flooding that hit eastern central Europe and the unusually cold and rainy weather that preceded it recently Adam Kokai meteorologist We asked in the portfolio checklist broadcast.

Hurricane Boris on Google

We have previously provided the basics of Google Trends, the main information on how to use Google Trends, and summarized exactly how to interpret Google Trends data to find out what topics and news are the most popular in the world and in Hungary, which topics people care about in a given time frame and region.

Using Google Trends figures, we recently looked at the state of Hungarian internet searches since the start of the floods, and how internet user interest in the wider affected area has evolved compared to major floods in previous years. We have now looked at how searches for terms related to Hurricane Boris have evolved since the start of the severe wet weather.

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AHurricane Boris From the Hungarian data for the search term last week, it can be read that the highest density of interest was on September 15,

And now we can see another recovery.

Image source: Google Trends

The numbers displayed on a scale of 100 indicate the search interest relative to the highest point in the chart in that region and time period. A value of 100 is the most popular term; a value of 50 indicates that the term is half as popular. 0 means there is not enough data to express.

A “Hurricane” For word searches, a similar line appears when looking at the Hungarian data for the past seven days.

Image source: Google Trends

A Hurricane Boris Topic Interest in Boris Storm has already begun to decline and is slowly disappearing if we look at the research trend in the whole world.

Topics are groups of expressions that are related to one thing across all languages. You can also find topics within a search term. For example, if you search for London and specify it as a topic, your search will also include results related to topics like “capital of the United Kingdom” and “Londres,” the Spanish name for London.

It's important to note that the dotted line at the end of the graph shown in the figure above represents incomplete data: it's actually Google's prediction of how the search term will perform in the near future.

if “Boris” When searching for the word “Hungary”, the checked region is set to the “Worldwide” option, and the data is displayed in a 30-day period.

Image source: Hungaro Mit

Dividing the interest by region into cities, the capital of Slovenia is in the TOP5 list, LjubljanaCapital of Croatia, ZagrebCapital of North Macedonia, ScoobyCapital of Serbia, BelgradeAnd the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava He appears.

Image source: Google Trends

In Google Trends, these values ​​are shown on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 represents the site with the highest popularity relative to the total number of searches; 50 indicates a site with half the popularity; and 0 indicates a site with not enough data to make an impression.

Note: A larger value means a larger percentage of all queries, not a larger absolute number of queries. For example, a small country with 80% of banana-related queries will get twice as much as a large country with only 40% of banana-related queries.

the “floods” The search term started trending in Hungary around the same time as Hurricane Boris.

Image source: Google Trends

Considering the interest in the search term “flood” in Hungary, it can be said that interest was strongest in the areas along the Danube, especially in the counties of Komárom-Esztergom, Pest, and Győr-Moson-Sopron, as well as in Budapest.

Image source: Google Trends

In the case of cities, the Hungarian line of the Danube and the endangered line are also clear. In the Masonic scene and In the Danube bend Outstanding search density.

Image source: Google Trends

Among the related terms, we also find searches related to the current flood situation in Hungary, and interest in the 2013 flood and the situation in Austria also appears.

In terms of severity, it was actually much more significant than the interest shown by the searches for the hurricane that caused the floods.

Image source: Google Trends

the “floods” So, by comparison, we can actually see completely different ratios, and the data of interest related to Hurricane Boris is diminishing.

Image source: Google Trends

However, the search term “weather” showed a 12-month high,

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The period between September 8 and 14 was the most intense week from a single year perspective.

Google Trends

Since 2004 However, Google Analytics has undergone several changes in data collection since the last update. And interest in no other summer has been as low as it was in 2024..

Image source: Google Trends

Austria In the case of – after the previous rise and then the seasonal recession – we see a larger decline than what happened when studying Hungary.

Image source: Google Trends

We got a picture of a trend line that looks exactly like Austria. Slovak searches The region, like Hungary and Austria, peaks in July.

Image source: Google Trends

If the weather topic is looking at data Czech Republic Status, also since 2004, after previous and most recent data collection update

The same trend is evident as in the case of the Central European countries mentioned above.

Image source: Google Trends

weather on sunday

Based on HungaroMet's weather forecast for Sunday clear, sunny and dry We will have fine weather, sometimes with small cumulus clouds. East and south-east winds will be active in the Sopron area.

In the afternoon, the air temperature rises to between 21 and 26 degrees.

weather on monday

The weather on Monday is expected to be sunny in most areas, but a veil cloud may move over our region from the west and A few cumulonimbus clouds may form.The southeast winds are active in several directions, and there may be temporary strong gusts around Sopron.

Temperatures are likely to range between 4 and 13 degrees in the morning, and between 21 and 27 degrees in the afternoon.

The article was published by Google Support that.

Cover image is an illustration. Cover image source: Getty Images

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