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Dr. Tunde Szabo: Nyiregyhaza residents voted for security and economic development – Nyiregyhaza District City Portal

Dr. Tunde Szabo: Nyiregyhaza residents voted for security and economic development – Nyiregyhaza District City Portal

The fall parliamentary term has begun, and before that we addressed the city's representatives. Dr. Szabo Tunde, who, in addition to his work in Parliament, also helps in the development of the region as a government commissioner, believes that the result of the large-scale economic development program launched is that the district headquarters is in an increasingly enviable position, as its development over the decade and a half has been recognized The last decade by those who come here. Our first question was how we felt when we were sitting there at the opening match of the new Nyerigyahzi Stadium, which he kept saying when it was finished: We will be very happy and proud of it.

“amazing!” Since then, we have already participated in another full match, where the team also played successfully against Debrecen (our interview was conducted before the match against Diosgir – editor). It was great to see the stadium full and the fans standing full chested with the team. This is a new community space, which was necessary, as the old stadium remaining from the 1950s was no longer able to provide what a modern facility could provide for families and sports-loving fans, and is also suitable for organizing entertainment programmes.

Looking professional in the comfortable arena with over 8,000 seats, we can provide a great experience to have our team near you. Of course you need good football, I don't believe in luck, I believe in work. As a result, Szpari has become one of the best sports, and one of the most popular sports in the world can be seen up close in modern conditions. The stadium can convey this feeling, which I believe all Nyirighihaza residents will be proud of in the future!

The new Nyiregyhazi Stadium, implemented as part of state investment, also contributes to improving the city's image

The pitch can also be an argument for investors

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– Looking at the economy, when an investor comes to the city, he also looks at what kind of sports facilities we have. We now have a modern stadium capable of accommodating crowds, among other excellent sports facilities, including the Continental Arena, a swimming pool, an ice rink and an athletics centre, which is unique in Central Europe – all of this providing space for domestic and foreign sports tourism.

But let's not forget that, as part of this government investment, we can also serve the health-conscious movement of the population as well as elite sports, considering the new artificial turf fields and the Recreational Sports Centre, which is more than 600 meters long. Record-breaking running track. To be able to say that we are a sports city, and to be able to do something for our health, we definitely need to improve the facilities. Nyiregyhaza has realized this, and the Mozdulj Nyiregyhaza Stadium, which is starting its 11th season, has proven that the city administration takes a sporting approach. Success too.

Nyiregyhaza Zoo's new attraction, Ice World, was one of the important developments of the government's Modern Cities programme

The industrial developments in the city are notable

We also asked Dr. Tundé Szabó as the government commissioner responsible for the complex development of the North-East Hungarian Economic Development Zone, which includes six counties. – I am very lucky that I can be the government commissioner for an area that the Hungarian government has focused on and that greatly affects our city and its region. In Nyiregyhaza, you can see the kind of developments starting, which can provide opportunities for young people and families through large-scale job creation, which also helps in maintaining the population. If you look at it, a decade and a half ago we were one of the most backward regions in the country, and today we are in an increasingly enviable position. We are very pleased that the Hungarian government has presented us with a package that will expand the 130-hectare Southern Industrial Park five-fold. The precedent for this is the municipality's investment promotion strategy for 2019, which encourages international companies to come here. He added that part of the investment area has already been sold, and new factories are being built.

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Nyerigyahzi South Industrial Park will become one of the main economic centers of the region – from central sources

Others have also noted Nyiregyhaza's development

We also asked the Nyiregyhaza representative about the municipal elections, according to which the new councils will be formed in October.

– In June, he received confidence for the fourth time. Mayor Ferenc Kovacs received a large mandate, as Fidesz-NDP candidates and representatives also make up the majority. In this way, it will be easier to continue the work we started, as the people of Nyirigyahs voted for peace, security and economic development, as a whole, which are the factors that determine our future.

Many things have begun in the last decade, which can be seen with the naked eye: infrastructure development, especially regarding roads, institutional renewal, not to mention the tourism field. All of this can be felt by the people who live here, and those who come to us immediately say they feel the development that projects the image of a modern, economically strong and stable city. It is also important to support families, and the development of nurseries, kindergartens and schools serves this goal. The goal is to make it good to live here, which is why services must be provided for young people, seniors and the families that help them.

Four decades later, the city's inner ring road, the Grand Circle, was completed, completing the missing section

Important investments

We also asked the government commissioner about the most important urban development for him in the recent period.

– It was very important that we could close the ring road, which the citizens of Nyiregyhaza had been waiting for for four decades, and the reconstruction of the multi-step Tisavasvári Ot bridge was also a priority issue. The investments included in the Modern Cities Program have also managed to enhance the city, including the new attraction of Nyiregyhaza Zoo, the Ice World and the already mentioned stadium, and we can also be very proud of the cultural district that has developed in the city centre. The important point is that the developments that we planned in the last period have largely been achieved, through which we can also serve culture lovers.

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