The series, based on elements of Greek mythology, debuted this summer, and despite its success, it will not continue.

Netflix has canceled the continuation of the Greek mythological comedy series Kaos, which premiered at the end of August diverse.

In the eight-part series, Jeff Goldblum played the lead role of the mighty Zeus disguised in tracksuits. The basis of the modern-day mythological story is that chaos reigns in Olympus, and paranoia reigns supreme over the all-powerful Zeus, so three humans must take the future of humanity into their own hands, Netflix writes.

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chaos | Official announcement | Netflix

Official trailer for KAOS starring Jeff Goldblum as Zeus, king of the gods and master of the world. The Society of the Olympian Gods is just a huge, dysfunctional family that has no idea that humans can overthrow their power. Thanks to Rudy and Orpheus, new times will soon be upon us.

Series The fucking end of the world The author wrote, IMDbRated 7.5 out of a maximum of 10 points.


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