August 17, 2024 – 10:52 PM
The US Geological Survey has measured a very strong 7.0 magnitude earthquake off the eastern coast of Russia – Written by CNN Network.
According to the agency, the epicenter of the earthquake was 89 kilometers from the coastal city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, with a population of 181,000. The depth of the earthquake was about 48 kilometers and it occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning local time. Based on calculations by the US Tsunami Forecasting System, dangerous tsunamis may occur along the Russian coast, within a radius of 300 kilometers from the epicenter.
By comparison, the strongest earthquake in Hungary occurred nearly 250 years ago, in June 1763. Got it In the Komárom region. The earthquake measured 6.3 on the Richter scale and its aftershocks killed 63 people. The largest earthquake ever measured is Valdivia It had a magnitude of 9.5 in 1960. It happened It was located about 160 kilometers off the coast of Chile. It lasted about ten minutes and caused a huge tsunami, the waves of which reached Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines. The number of victims of the earthquake and tsunami was estimated at about six thousand.