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A videographer taught a lab rat to Doom

A videographer taught a lab rat to Doom

No, the address isn’t randomly generated, it just happens.

With apparently nothing left that wasn’t able to start Doom, science’s next challenge is to teach every living thing to play, and it doesn’t have to be a whole being, just one organ is enough.

In The Thought Emporium video, we can see an unusual experiment: the scientist behind the science channel taught neurons of lab-grown mice to Doom.

Cortical neurons are easy to acquire and train, especially for Dooming, because the game is much simpler than it looks. The 3D view is just a trick, it has no effect on the gameplay, we can look at the path and Doom Guy in 2D, from above, various landmarks depicting relatively simple shapes and enemies that can be viewed as a single point. Neurons must control the movement and rotation of the character, as well as shooting and switching weapons, which they can do with the help of electrodes, and at the same time, they also receive feedback from the game: if someone kills, a positive sound is heard, if they die, a positive sound is heard passive voice

The video below explains everything in great detail, mainly the process and the science behind it, but later there will be more material that will explain more why and how neurons in mice can die:

See also  Szeged University | “Synthesis of Science and Art” – Zsolt Dobóczky Gallery at SZTE
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