May 19, 2023 – 3:44 PM
When asked by our newspaper, the director of Libra Szoftver Zrt said. They actually detected an attack, the extortionists weren’t paid, but they managed to protect their system and customer data. has received a reader notification that Libra Szoftver Zrt. It was hit by a ransomware attack, and a reader raised the question of whether this information could have been compromised because the company handles sensitive customer data, such as payroll information.
Kálmán Faur, President and CEO of Libra Software Zrt, responded. , to our inquiry. Let’s start with the most important sentence:
“The fear that sensitive personal data will fall from our systems into unauthorized hands is unfounded.”
He pointed out that the number and level of sophistication of cyber attacks is constantly increasing in parallel with the transfer of sensitive data to the cloud.
Under these conditions, corporate IT security has transformed first from a purely IT issue into an important economic issue, and now it has become an everyday public issue: the data of millions of customers and users of global financial service providers, telecom companies and social media companies has been leaked.
In response to our questions, the head of the IT company that had just been attacked said that the incident occurred in the early hours of April 23, 2023, but: “There was no data theft, no data leakage, no data loss, neither with respect to our customer data nor our own data.” This did not happen because we paid a ‘ransom’ to the extortionists, but because our systems and databases remained intact.”