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According to a recent report, the level of Hungarian democracy at the EU level is disastrous

According to a recent report, the level of Hungarian democracy at the EU level is disastrous

This year, IDEA International paints a devastating picture of the world In his report on the state of global democracyAccording to which democracy continues to decline in nearly half of the countries included in the study, and for the sixth year now there are countries that have declined more than those that have managed to improve in the most important indicators. According to the recently published report, the Central European region has managed to improve surprisingly well,

Despite the fact that Hungary and Poland are doing worse and worse, our country is precisely last on the list among the EU countries.

According to the report, which ranked a total of 173 countries based on seventeen different indicators, the foundations of democracy have been shaken in many places, including the credibility of elections, the disarmament of legislative power against the excesses of the ruler, and equal access to legal rights. Institutions. In addition to institutional problems, the erosion of basic democratic values ​​such as self-expression or freedom of the press is also an important factor.

It’s basically a top performer, but it shows significant differences on the inside In the European region It was also noted that in 2022 the situation worsened in strong democracies with a long history, such as Luxembourg, Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal or the United Kingdom. The most common decline is associated with the rule of law and freedom of the press, but interestingly, Central Europe has also shown an increase in the rule of law, with Hungary and Poland receiving regular criticism for precisely this reason.

The organization also noted that the European Union tried to force the two countries to change by withholding funds, but so far only minor changes have been made, and no significant change in the situation can be observed. Despite the withholding of EU funds and the judicial reforms developed as a result, which, according to a recently published analysis, are insufficient, Hungary has fallen six places compared to last year in terms of rule of law, and currently ranks 64th on this indicator. consideration. Between 2017 and 2022, the country lost a total of eighteen places. The only ranking in which Hungary does not rank last at the EU level is the issue of rights, but the situation is deteriorating here too.

At the same time, the organization noted an improvement in eight countries. For example, Romania improved by one place, which means that it is still the third worst country in the European Union, and Bulgaria advanced seven places and is currently in 48th place. The list was divided into more specific categories (representation, rights, and sovereignty). law, participation), but it can still be said that no other country can match Denmark – except for representation, where the Swedes are leading, they are in first place everywhere, and even there they are improving the trend that has become evident since 2017. Lists By clicking here Can be browsed.

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