Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 4:23 pm
author: Tamás Kovács, Sándor Mészáros, photo: DPPI
The Canadian, who left Williams, rejected assumptions that he had to leave Patina Grove because of Monza’s defeat to Nick de Vries.
Last week, Williams officially announced what had long been guessed: Nicholas Latifi will leave the team at the end of the season after three years. The Canadian rider is the only full-time driver in the field this year who has yet to score a point, as he suffered a disappointing defeat at Monza in front of Alex Albon’s substitute De Vries. As the rookie Dutchman grappled with the scoring positions, Latifi struggled again at the end of the field despite his stellar starting position. According to many, the Monza race was the last straw for Williams, but the Canadian refuted those assumptions at the press day of the Singapore Grand Prix on Thursday.
“Honestly, I don’t think it matters,” Latifi said of the Italian weekend. “It doesn’t matter who was in the other car, because I didn’t get the expected result. It didn’t depend on a single race, in my opinion, even scoring a point at Monza wouldn’t change the situation. My performance over the year doesn’t count a point or two. Monza obviously didn’t. It helps too, but the decision was made based on several races,” the Canadian said in the presence of a Formula.hu employee.
“It’s very simple. It’s a results-oriented sport, and I wasn’t able to perform well for various reasons. The team had to make the best decision for them, and they want to go in a different direction. I understand the situation, and obviously my performance was not what I expected for certain reasons.” But I accept the decision and try to move on to the next stage of my career.” Stable Grove has yet to announce a teammate for next year.
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