Hotel Pannónia (Dacia) in Szatmárnémeti, Transylvania, has been owned by the Hungarian state since 2018.
The Pannónia Szálló building, now known as Hotel Dacia, in Szatmárnémeti, Transylvania, was bought in 2018 by the Hungarian state-owned company Manevi, which undertook its renovation at the time. This has not happened for a long time, but now to the great joy of local residents Victor Urban He signed the decree on allocating funds for restoration.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has signed the decree allocating the necessary funds to start the restoration work of the Hotel Pannónia (Dacia), it was announced Gabor Kerskini, Mayor of Szatmárnémeti on the local city radio. Accordingly, the works will start soon, since the building and contractor permit is valid.
Gábor Kerskényi, the mayor of Szatmárnémeti, recently met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and reminded him of the problem with the Dacia Hotel, as Szatmárném residents have been waiting for business to start for years. the Prism According to his information, after the discussion at that time, the Hungarian Prime Minister instructed one of his country’s ministers to start working on the Dacia Hotel project.
The Pannónia – one of the most important and famous Art Nouveau buildings in Partium – opened its doors in 1902 in the old main square of Szatmárnémeti, and is considered by many to be a symbol of the city. It was privatized in 1995 and became employee property at that time. In 2007, Romanian businessman Vasily Tantas bought it for 1.7 million euros and undertook to renovate it and turn it into a luxury hotel. However, investment has been delayed by the crisis.
Finally, the Orban government bought the hotel years ago, in 2018, through the state-owned company Manevi. Starting in 2019, the company acquired additional real estate in Transylvania: it bought the Albina Bank building in the town of Nagykároly, the Korona Hotel building in the town of Maramaroszeget, and Wesselényi Castle in Zsibo in May 2021. Similarly, they purchased a property in the city of Eszczecin in Croatia. By the way, the company also has a subsidiary in Serbia, but the Investigation Center Ján Kuciak (ICJK) has not yet found any evidence of the purchase of premises there. (via Contents)