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After 33 years, we've finally found a solution to one of the SNES's most pressing graphics issues – PCW

After 33 years, we've finally found a solution to one of the SNES's most pressing graphics issues – PCW

Now is the perfect time to dust off your console.

It was revolutionary for its time Super Nintendo Entertainment System, on which we could play better titles: Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid or even Mega Man However, there was a graphic bug that made the daily lives of those who wanted to return to the modern era miserable for a very long time, but now we have good news for them.

The original SNES model had a very noisy video signal, after all, one of the system's chips switched between certain colors very poorly, causing very annoying banding. Basically, in the 90s, this was not a problem on a TV with a simple video cable, but with the resurgence of retro, for example, on today's 4K TV, a problem of this kind has become already noticeable to ordinary people.

Incidentally, Nintendo later reviewed the problem, which was corrected by integrating two image processing units into the console. Although this wasn't a huge change, the so-called “1CHIP” models actually had sharper video outputs than the SNES “2CHIP”.

However, now, owners of the more problematic consoles can also rejoice, because a modder has now developed two SNES mods that together clean up the controllers' 2CHIP outputs. The first is the SNES Edge-Enhancer, which corrects the issue of streaky discolouration, while the 2CHIP Bypass mod cleans up the annoying signal sent by the original image processor, providing an experience similar to the 1CHIP mod.

If you want to delve deeper into the background of these matters, the My Life in Gaming YouTube channel is one of them I made a detailed video about themThings are explained in about three-quarters of an hour. Mod maker Vaultar plans to Through its website It will offer its installation service soon, however, it is not yet known how much it will cost.

See also  How to check if your computer is working properly - PCW

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