The three larger labor unions in Belgium are organizing a wide and demonstrated strike due to the planned social policy measures for the new government – write – Brussels Times. There have been a number of protests in Belgium in recent months, and the event that was planned on Thursday is scheduled to be larger than before.
After eight months, the new federal government was formed in Belgium, which would eliminate the alignment of salaries, which will help maintain the value of payment of payments at least every year. In Belgium, it is currently a law that requires employers to adapt workers to inflation, thus avoiding real wages.
This commitment will be canceled by the new government to reduce spending. The first information leaked, then Tangible plans I started to be concerned about the government's intentions that made the correct economy policy of economic policy. New Prime Minister Bart de Wayer said that the next ten years should be used to achieve stability in the budget to reduce government debt.
News of this caused great anger, as well as the Labor Party, the trade unions also opposed indexing indexing. The three main trade unions in the country – socialism, liberalism and Christianity – have organized a wide blow against the planned action of the government. Many other services can stop on Thursday, including the post office and garbage transport, however There will be no plane from Brussels airports Throughout the day.
We expect a lot of participation. “The trade unions invite all members to walk in the street,” said the head of the Flemish Railways Syndicate. On January 13, 30,000 people shone in the streets of Brussels, and the trade unions now want to double this number. More demonstrations will be planned in the future.
Firstly He grew up in January The ability to cancel automatic wages. Because of the increase in inflation, the mechanism places a greater burden on companies, and this reduces its competitiveness. However, there is an argument against the collapse that the livelihoods of workers will increase without commitment.
According to the current system, the average inflation can be determined several times a year, to which wages must be adjusted. There are some who prefer to say that for public employees once a year, on January 1, when wages are modified, this is still the case in the private sector.