And this automatically becomes the basis for the pension reform project.

The fate of the French government led by Elisabeth Born depended on nine votes, against which the independent LIOT group made up of representatives of the center parties, the previous government and five opposition, mostly left-wing factions, submitted a motion of no confidence last week. In order for the proposal to be adopted, the votes of 287 deputies in the lower house of parliament were needed, but in the end only 278 supported it, he wrote. Le Monde. A few minutes later, the deputies also voted on a second motion, initiated by Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Unification Party, which was already defeated by a much larger percentage, by 94 votes.

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Not only was it the government’s position, but also the fate of the pension reform, which sparked heated debates and demonstrations in recent months, also depended on this vote, because French President Emmanuel Macron announced it without a parliamentary vote, after a majority in Parliament. The National Assembly is not secured to pass the bill. This decision could have been overridden if the government had been moved by a motion of no confidence.

Among other things, the reform raised the retirement age from 62 to 64. For this reason, it has sparked serious domestic political debate in France, which has also affected the president’s popularity: according to a survey conducted in March, Macron’s support has fallen by 13 percent since his re-election. last year, with only 28 percent of the population satisfied.


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