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An ally of the Hungarian prime minister is in trouble

An ally of the Hungarian prime minister is in trouble

Matteo Salvini, president of the Italian right-wing League, a well-known populist politician and ally of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, faced seemingly insoluble elections. You have to decide whether you prefer the business community that supports your party or stick to the proven radical right.

After falling unexpectedly in the midst of an Italian domestic political crisis, Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, must form a government to avoid early elections during the pandemic. To do so, he will have to win over the political forces from the left and the right who have pursued a straight line policy towards him in his career as a politician and bank manager, specifically a European skeptical and anti-elite line – Lead An article in the Financial Times looking at the conditions for forming a government.

The two parties that somehow must gain support for the government to function are the Radical Left Five Star Party and the Radical Right League. These parties were already hostile to the euro and the eurozone when Draghi said his famous sentence in the summer of 2012 that the European Central Bank that led him at the time would do anything to protect the value of the euro. (This put an end to speculation against the European single currency at the time.) However, three years ago, these two political powers surprisingly set aside their ideological opposition and formed a coalition government based in part on their common opposition to the European Union bureaucracy in Brussels.

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Of course, the lesson is not only for Darraji, but also for the two parties and their leaders. After all, back then, they formed the kind of expert government that Draghi is now preparing to bring together. As for the Five Stars – which, by the way, is currently the largest political group in the Italian Parliament – its leaders have stated that they do not support Draghi. Meanwhile, the party is divided, with some of its lawmakers threatening to quit in support of the new government. The Five Stars is currently unpopular, so not many politicians want early elections.

For this reason, however, the success of forming a government depends mainly on the League and the two sides. According to the credentials of Italian polling company YouTrend, without the presence or support of the League, Draghi cannot rule steadily because he will not have a parliamentary majority to do so. Unless the five stars change their mind and they are still behind it. Salvini’s starting point is that he was ready to support the Italian unity government, but that he preferred early elections.

It is not so simple

However, the situation is not so simple. Companies in northern Italy that want to support their party want to see a stable government at the forefront of the country that can manage the distribution of EU recovery fund aid, which is important to Economy To recover. Meanwhile, Salvini’s popularity has declined over the past year, so the atmosphere around him has diminished. The party leader is struggling to hold his party together because regional leaders do not follow him while he wants Draghi Commercial Square, says political science professor Gianluca Passarelli. He seems inclined to support the new prime minister, but he is in fact compelled to do so.

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Meanwhile, he is forced to face stiff competition on the Italian radical right in person of the Italian Brotherhood and its leader, Giorgia Meloni. The latter indicated that he does not support the Italian unity government. In general, it seems that Salvini’s best opportunity is to support the new government, under which he can wear a political uniform that defines economics. Francesco Galletti, an expert at the Sonar Policy Institute for political risk analysis, says he might be in a position to enter the legendary French Foreign Legion: obtaining a new passport and thus a new political figure.

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