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An amazing Einstein episode has been discovered

An amazing Einstein episode has been discovered

Photo: Esa/Hubble/NASA

This rare phenomenon can be observed when it is nearly close and extremely intertwined, and its specialization is that it is located in the cosmic land neighborhood, according to the Hun -Rn Astronomical Center and Earth Research (CSFK) on Monday.

By studying Einstein's episodes, researchers can deduce the mass of the galaxy, including dark materials that are difficult to study in other ways, thus gaining new knowledge important to develop the universe.

Researchers also participate in the EUCLID project at the Hun-Ren Research Center and Earth Research with the support of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

Andra Kovax said: “Our field is a statistical study of the cosmic network of galaxies. We also have an active participation in organizing community scientific programs within the union, which provides opportunities for more exciting discoveries not only by volunteers.” , Hun -ren Csfk, professional coordinator of the Euclidean team.

Euclid launched its six -year mission on July 1, 2023 to explore the secrets of the dark universe. However, before his observations began, scientists and engineers had to check that all tools were working properly.

In this early testing stage, Euclid sent some pictures to Earth in September 2023. Although these images were without a deliberate life, one shots are unclear, the fist scientist Bruno Altere noticed something special and decided to examine it more closely. “I noticed something in the first note, but when Euclid picked up additional footage of the area, Einstein's ideal episode was revealed in front of us. For me, who was in my life inquiring about the lenses of gravity, it was impressive,” the researcher explained.

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Einstein's ring, a very rare phenomenon, hidden in a nearby galaxy. The Galaxy NGC 6505 is about 590 million light -years from Earth, and it is a wide “one armed one”.

The episode is not released by the galaxy at the same introduction, but it consists of a brighter and brighter galaxy. The unprecedented and unprecedented background galaxy is 4.42 billion light years away and is distorted through the danger of the galaxy in the foreground before reaching Earth.

Albert Einstein's general theory predicted that light bends around things in space, similar to the way the lens focuses on light. The stronger the gravitational lens, the more the object mass – such as the galaxy or the galaxy. As a result, the lights of the distant galaxies sometimes become visible that other heavenly bodies can be obscured.

If the overlap is almost perfect, the distant rear galaxy light bends by forming an amazing loop around the object in the foreground. These Einstein's episodes, according to researchers, are real scientific treasure mines. The study of the effects of gravity can help you understand the expansion of the universe, discover the effects of the invisible dark matter and dark energy, and provide an insight into the source in the background, which tends to be determined by the medium dark matter.

“I find it very exciting that this ring has been discovered in a well -known galaxy in 1884,” said Valeria Beturino, the scientific leader of the Esa Euclidean project. “This galaxy has long been known to astronomers. However, this ring has not been observed before and added.

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By examining the expansion and development of the universe, Euclid will tell you more about the role of gravity and the nature of dark energy and dark materials than we have known so far. The telescope sets more than a third of the sky and notes galaxies of up to 10 billion of light. It is estimated that he will find about 100,000 Einstein's episodes, but the discovery of such an amazing and very exciting episode is a very rare event.

To date, less than 1,000 strong attractiveness lenses have been known, and only a few have been captured with high accuracy. “Euclid is a revolution in this field of research because it will provide data that we have not been able to reach before,” said Conor Ourionan, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomical Physics in Germany.

Euclid began a detailed maps fee for the sky on February 14, 2024 and gradually creating the most comprehensive 3D map for the universe so far.


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